13 juin 1922 – 15 août 2002
On the 15th of August 2002, Professor Jean Stengers passed away.
Born in Ixelles on 13 June 1922, Jean Stengers was, among other things, ordinary and then emeritus professor at the Free University of Brussels (ULB), member of the Royal Academy of Belgium, president of the National Biography Commission, member and then president of the Royal Academy of Overseas Sciences, president of the National Committee of Historical Sciences, member of the scientific commission of the Centre for the Study and Documentation of War and Contemporary Societies (CEGES), and director of the Belgian Review of Philosophy and History. He was awarded the Hubert Pierlot Prize in 1982 and was an honorary doctor of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB).
Since the creation of the Foundation for Contemporary Memory - Stichting voor de eigentijdse Herinnering in 1994, he chaired its scientific council. All the Foundation's collaborators, who knew his qualities as a historian, his concern for truth without concessions to fashions and ideologies, were able to appreciate his affability and his smiling solidity. They are deeply grateful for the trust he showed them and for his encouraging attention to their work.
Jean Stengers has published nearly 300 titles in a wide variety of historical fields: the Middle Ages, contemporary Belgium, the Congo, contemporary international relations, demography and migration, electoral sociology, the Second World War, the contemporary Church, methodology, and negationism. Only the books are included here, with the exception of the articles.
Political history of Belgium:
Born in Ixelles on 13 June 1922, Jean Stengers was, among other things, ordinary and then emeritus professor at the Free University of Brussels (ULB), member of the Royal Academy of Belgium, president of the National Biography Commission, member and then president of the Royal Academy of Overseas Sciences, president of the National Committee of Historical Sciences, member of the scientific commission of the Centre for the Study and Documentation of War and Contemporary Societies (CEGES), and director of the Belgian Review of Philosophy and History. He was awarded the Hubert Pierlot Prize in 1982 and was an honorary doctor of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB).
Since the creation of the Foundation for Contemporary Memory - Stichting voor de eigentijdse Herinnering in 1994, he chaired its scientific council. All the Foundation's collaborators, who knew his qualities as a historian, his concern for truth without concessions to fashions and ideologies, were able to appreciate his affability and his smiling solidity. They are deeply grateful for the trust he showed them and for his encouraging attention to their work.
Jean Stengers has published nearly 300 titles in a wide variety of historical fields: the Middle Ages, contemporary Belgium, the Congo, contemporary international relations, demography and migration, electoral sociology, the Second World War, the contemporary Church, methodology, and negationism. Only the books are included here, with the exception of the articles.
Political history of Belgium:
- Léopold III et le gouvernement. Les deux politiques belges de 1940, Bruxelles, Duculot, 1980, 20022.
- L’action du Roi en Belgique depuis 1831. Pouvoir et influence, Bruxelles, Racine, 1992, 19962.
- Histoire du sentiment national en Belgique des origines à 1918. Les racines de la Belgique. T. I, Bruxelles, Racine, 2001 ; t. II, en collaboration avec Eliane Gubin, Bruxelles, Racine, 2002 (posthume).
- Combien le Congo a-t-il coûté à la Belgique ?, Bruxelles, ARSC, 1957.
- Belgique et Congo : l’élaboration de la Charte coloniale, Bruxelles, La Renaissance du Livre, 1963.
- E.D. Morel’s History of the Congo Reform Movement, Oxford, 1968. (En collaboration avec R. Louis).
- Congo : mythes et réalités. Cent ans d’histoire, Bruxelles, Duculot, 1989.
- Histoire d’une grande peur : la masturbation, Ed. Synthélabo, coll. «Les empêcheurs de penser en rond», 1985, 19982. (En collaboration avec Anne Van Neck).
- Vertige de l’historien. Les histoires au risque du hasard, Ed. Synthélabo, 1998.
- Les Juifs dans les Pays-Bas au Moyen Age, Bruxelles, Palais des Académies, 1950.
- «La Belgique et l’Affaire Dreyfus», dans le Bulletin de la Classe des Lettres et des Sciences Morales et Politiques de l’Académie Royale de Belgique, t. VI, 1-6, 1995, pp. 69-105.
- «Quelques libres propos sur « Faurisson, Roques et Cie »», dans Cahiers du Centre de Recherches et d’Etudes Historiques de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, n° 12, 1989, pp. 5-29.